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The Awkward "are you happy?" Question

Two days ago, it was quite an usual morning when my favorite movie-mate and I were watching this really interesting movie called, Hec...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dwell, I Do !

Dwell, I Do!

Of all the beautiful memories you remember

Hold them dear, keen to your heart forever

For those you reminiscence but not spare:

‘That I’ll be standing waiting here. . . .’

With last notes, by the oak, your footsteps to hear

Then when they deny you coming once. . . .

Memories of mine would render you wince

Because you know, in the vicinage of your heart, I’m not far

For dwell, I do!

In the midst of your heart

Bound amid chains of deathless love

And nil tainted are they, no dirt . . .

Dwell, I forever do!

Rapturously entangled in your presence

Like the concluding frailty of a seceding snow

Or the center queen of a tribal dance

Dwell, I do!

Of heavenly devotion, and of endless amity

While they spoke of Passion, Amour! Remember me?

Shrouded by melancholia, being on quest for serenity

When clouded was the realms of heaven, and so far you see

With panacea, by the Eden’s door, you found me near

The laurels were in bloom when I healed your wounds

Within my arms, you reclined, as downpour drenched the grounds

In the boulevards of futurity, thus when in pain, know I’m no far…

Here dwell, I do!

In you…….amid the core of your heart

Armored against the curse of coy and decay

My memories would live, as words…..or piece of art

Dwell, I forever do!

As thy keystone of your existence

Like that of an ensuing morning haze

When doleful, with caress, to kiss your face

Dwell, I do!!

Someday, deep down of you

I vow, you would know it’s true:

‘That within me…….you too

Dwell, you do!’




  1. My stormy love for thee
    dark drifting clouds of troubled torment
    come crashing down
    windswept hair lashes my face
    water falls from crazy eyes
    and blinds me to your beauty
    dragged down by a heavy heart
    in a sad sea of terrible tears
    my conscience shivers
    and finally disappears

  2. thanx for commenting :) i appreciate it. but erm. . . should i take the poem as a compliment to my work?? or is it just a poem of urs?

  3. hey1 good work..:D but as for criticism... they say "simplicity can win hearts when it makes sense..:D "

    i prefer simple poems thus i ges i thot that ur one needed it too..nyways keep up the good work..:D:D

    1. thnx taiara ..;) i'll try to make it simpler from now on. :)
      btw i'm glad that u read :D

  4. O.O Im speechless Bushra I dunno what to say..ITS AWESUMMM And beautiful

    1. thanx a lot :D i'm very happy that u read :)!!

  5. Purra sheshe eshe purata bucchi :D Awesome jinish :D Very gluey and melodramatic :D

  6. nice poem..loved it...:)


    1. so u finally read it??...hahahaha :P..thanx bucketloads!

  7. thanks for sharing your poem...I really enjoyed it...and it would make a great lyrics for a song!!...:D

  8. Labib Tazwar RahmanJune 5, 2012 at 6:50 AM

    Awesome, apu! Thought this was a renowned poet's crearion. Keep up this and you sure can become an amazing poet.

  9. I was suspecting this as one of ur old pieces where ur poems aren't as simple as ur later pieces, and I was right! And I think u previously posted this on fb as NOTE and I commented there. I might be wrong as my memory sucks. :\

    Anyways, everyone won't apprehend this piece. Honestly, I didn't understand almost the half of it. With pieces of your class, it will be a SIN to give feedback on it without understanding it totally. Consider my point of view; Um a very general reader with a below average vocab and hated Literature in my school life. And I guess this was one of the few pieces (first in this blog, and there were two or three in fb)that I didn't understand fully.

    Though I appreciate the effort highly because writers of your class doesn't always have to write pieces for everyone. There are times you write something for yourself.

    And you certainly are a better writer now than you were in 2010. You still write these kind of pieces, but at least they are easier to have a grasp on and still give the meaning you want to deliver.

    Sorry for the marathon comment :P

    1. WOW !!
      know what ,bhaiya? this marathon comment actually did me a LOT OF GOOD ! :)

      yes you read this poem in facebook too. and thanks for thinking my poems make sense even though you and other readers don't get it ....! i'm consoled!

      and yeah,maybe i am giving up my complex thoughts bit by bit...but in 2010 ,i was atleast a "writer"...but in 2012, i am afraid i CAN'T write at all!! ..maybe just wrote one or two poems this year :/

      thnx for reading :)

  10. I have waited here for you so long lonesome, and sun only brings me a hope, that across the fence in a place full of colours we can be happy , we can have our wings

    1. thnx for reading :)
      by the way, is it from a song lyric?
