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Friday, December 16, 2011

With You I Dream to Elope

 Down by a creek, at the hour of twilight,
When the Sun returns the embrace of gloom;
Giving up its last fervent fight. . . . .
Then we would meet, yes O my love!
Hand in hand, we’d run, till we reach the far end of horizon
Because with you I dream to elope
On the wings of a migratory bird returning home!

Broken promises, pent up task
Take my hand, love, don’t look back!
Flown by hours would lead us to dawn
And till then we would await
The arrival of another blue moon!
As we soar and  as we glide,
Dream-soaked imageries would foretell
The jaunts and mysteries of one fateful night!

Oh, how we would fly past them all!
The towering mountains and the oceans deep
And as the bird flap its wings, my heart skips a beat
All on a sudden, dreamland seems so distant, too far to be true!
Far away, somewhere there what sweeps me is a call!
I rest my head on your shoulders; my dream loses its hue
The words you whispered yet linger in my ears:
“I’ve loved you all along and would for keeps!”

I want to hold your hand, love, I long to flee!
For it’s you with whom I dream to elope
On the wings of a goose hovering in stark glee!
The drowsy Sun would open its eyes, flinches would’ve songs new
A dawn in my dreamland, we’d step on a ground
Grassed over with Hope and soaked in morn’ dew!
Love, there yet I’d sleep in your arms and dream of “thee”.

Date: 06.03.09

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