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Friday, December 30, 2011

The Rebellion against Self

The year 2011 has passed in a whirlwind . . .Another precious 365 days and nights bid farewell from my life. Maybe The Almighty would spare a new year ahead . . . to live and learn from my mistakes…maybe redeem myself again. But before, it needs telling how special this year was. . . .because it made difference to the person I am now! This poem is all about how. . . . . .  .

THE Rebellion against Self
Even when melancholia grieves my heart
And the pain drowns my senses
In stinging lashes of anguish
In frenzied death dances
I choke lifelessly but no more hurt
The tears no more spill as I slowly languish

The remnants of a wrecked world burnt to ashes
Where mutilated dreams imbue the stale air
Where Hopes are hollow and none promises
And the gamble of life only harbors Fear. . .

Ghosts of bygone days resurrect out of debris
I am haunted but I no more scream
The shivers no longer run down my spine
As in unspeakable terror I freeze. . . .
Where the invaders are clouds, black and grim
Where the heavens are laden with vaporized brine
But it no longer rains. . . .

The scars of gangrenous wounds etched on souls
Where truth remains buried in the cemetery of lies
Where Love never walks, only Abhorrence crawls
And in the ceaseless war Peace dies. . .

Even when every sanctuary burns in blazing inferno
And vulnerability plunges me to my doom
On the brink of a crumbling precipice
On the claws of savage wilderness as they loom
A hunted prey I am, life is whose caprice
Destined to perish yet my dreams bloom
I panic no more or succumb to cowardice
As my armor of rebellion resists every enemy blow!

Date: 20.12.2011


  1. Fb r ta age porsilam bt comment korte vule gesi :|

    Anyways, usual comments here, excellent! A typical Bushra poem. Good to see that u go back to ur original genre often.

    Poem summary: Duniya ultae geleo amar kichhui hobena :P

  2. Thnx bhaiya for readin it again :D...btw your one line summary sounds wonderful!..:P

  3. How did u write that?
    It seems u've written from ur experience! Truely saying, I was 'watching' the poem's loneliness, experienced the deep silver rain...........I like these kind of writings :*

  4. Rifat thanks for your wonderful compliment....:) Yeah, I wrote it mostly from my experience..and the rest imagination of my mind..:P

  5. I like it :)
    it's always hard to "judge" a poem.. I think poems are a way to express our emotions.. put them into words somehow..
    there're styles of course, rythym should be kept etc..
    all that can be learnt, what cannot be learnt nor faked are emotions standing behind words.
    and I think you did it here.
    poem speaks louder then greatly combined words.

  6. Thanks Mia ! It's my pleasure that you liked the poem :) and yeah you are indeed right about emotions behind words...they can never be faked.It has to come from inside !

    Stay tuned for more!
