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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Sibling Crux

Whenever my sibling and I are spotted together, if someone ‘mistakes’ me to be the younger one, I cannot help but be vexed instantly. No, the reason behind such ‘short-temper’ is not my ‘hurt’ ego. Actually, it is the evanescent fantasy of having an ‘elder sibling’ – induced by their optical illusion- which tantalizes me! Ask me to choose between a ‘pampered’ little brother and an “affectionate” elder sister. I would gleefully pick the more tempting latter option.

Who would ever prefer ‘persistent torture and annoyance’ in the guise of a ‘diminutive’ younger sibling to the ever reliable, responsible, ‘superhuman’ older one? Frankly speaking, only pathetic victims of an ‘ever-inquisitive younger sibling’ like me can perceive the insurmountable agony of not having a discerning older sibling. Believe me or not. Babysitting your impish younger brother, who has an unstoppably destructive nature, is supposedly the worst possible curse you could be afflicted with! Would we rather not love to have someone friendly and mature to help with our ‘bewilderingly difficult’ homework or to bash up some ‘intimidating’ bully at school? Trust me; the pride of showing off your ‘masculine and macho’ big brother to your gullible schoolmates is unearthly!

If you have someone older to share your deepest, stupid secrets–an elder brother maybe- consider yourself to be the luckiest person at this moment! Had you told the same ‘precious’ secret to your ‘toddler’ brother he would instantaneously demonstrate his wicked prowess of a telltale kid! Not only would he ‘exaggerate’ your petty errors while feeding him but also he’d complain vociferously to your parents if you avoid his ‘irritating’ company. What else could, however, match the wild euphoria of being handed over to your awesome, uber cool and negotiable elder sibling’s custody by your disciplinarian parents?


Nonetheless, remember the grass always looks greener on the other side. Serving under the tyranny of an elder sibling can be a painful experience! Just imagine how frustrated and angry you would feel if your dominating , older sibling tried to ‘dictate’ your Facebook friend list. Or what about the ensuing embarrassment you could suffer when your ‘suddenly evil’ brother rebukes you for some petty reason before your friends? At such helpless times, when one feels exhausted under the skeptical scrutiny of his elder contemporary, he craves longingly for a younger, loving and adorable younger sibling !

Have you ever noticed the innocent enthusiasm with which your ‘baby sister’ greets you after a long , tedious day at school? Were you not always ‘irritated’ by her routine habit to kiss you goodnight? Speaking from years of personal experience, younger siblings seem to be an exotic bunch of beings who love you unconditionally, despite your success or failure. They adore your ‘imperfect’ ways and even ‘envy’ them , innocently thinking of you as their personal ‘superhero’! Does it not feel refreshingly exalting to know that ‘monstrous little brat’ of a brother secretly looks up to you for solving his myriad childish problems? It’s time you acknowledge their heartfelt affection and leniently forgive their ‘annoying pranks’!

Whether or not you have the desired type of sibling shouldn’t affect your relationship with your brother/sister .In my opinion, we should love our siblings despite all their shortcomings . After all, they are unquestionably our closest and dearest contemporaries- be younger or older!


  1. I loved the way you talked about the relationship between siblings! :) nice!!

  2. Thank so much Redwan :) I'm happy you liked it!
