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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ode to Inamorato


Ode to Inamorato

At the end of a nauseating dream

When the limbs of fatality envelopes me

Your path be illuminated by the moon

Whenever starless might the serene seem

Oh,my love,come to me then-will you?

 Be your path strewn in dew-soaked roses

As to the realm of Life,I say goodbye soon

Shrouded be in sheer snow so far you see

And before I fade away into nothingness

Come to me once,my Inamorato,will you?

Let downpour drench the ground

In torrents ,or in raindrops...

Let me bleed,as my love you wound

When in agony,the heart naively sobs

While the Reaper lulls me into a soporific quietus

With last remnants of Life,I pray,when I crave. . .

Your quest be shaded by the caress of a wild deciduous

In deathless love,you,the clouds may drape. . .

Yet eons have elapsed ,come my love,will you?


On the verge of a never-ending oblivion

Death when I combat to love you evermore

Beloved you even be,if my dream shatters,into shards million

Come soon ,Inamorato, before I enter doom's door!

Deathly fatigued,my arms await you,run to me -will you?


Let downpour drench the ground

In torrents ,or in raindrops...

Let me bleed,as my love you wound

When in agony,the heart naively sobs

At the beginning of your nevermore dream

Buried though my presence be, may you ever live. . .

Senorita Enchantress
September 28,2010

Editor's Note :  I write this poem being unimaginably inspired from a song Aaoge Jab Tum -Jab We Met....a Hindi film,(the most unlikely thing to ever happen to me)..And for a second reason ,because the title was hovering on my head for long.So it'd be really regarded if you read,and told me how I did..:D

For convenience :
Inamorato means 'lover' in Italiano

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